How to remove? M = 1 from URL in blogger

How to remove? M = 1 from URL in blogger


*How to remove? M = 1 from URL in blogger : its a big question for every one. Whenever we host a website in Blogger, the URL of that website shows very well on the desktop view. But when you see that website on mobile, the mobile will put? M = 1 behind the URL

Whenever you open the website on mobile, the URL of the website gets redirected. example of my website, You will not have any problem with this.

There is no any problem with Google search console Because the theme you use is the canonical tag in the Already theme. Already O Indicates your main URL. But if you want your website's URL to appear on the desktop as it appears on mobile. So you have to use following steps.

How to remove ?m=1 from URL in blogger 

1. First you have to login on your blogger's dashboard.
2. Click on the Theme option.
3. Click on Edit HTML.
4. Press CTRL + F from the keyboard and search "</body>" tag.

5. Copy and Paste following code above the "</body>" tag. if there any confusion then see the above the image.

6. And to save the theme.

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